Sunday, September 9, 2012


Aliens or extraterrestrial life (ET for short) is the most discussed topic in this modern era. Are we believe their existence in this life? Are they really exist and help our ancestor back to 2000 years and more back then? Everybody has their own answer and perspective about that. Well, after watching this bizarre documentary, I can stated that ancient aliens are exist and has helped our ancestor with their technology. This statement will be discuss in two characteristic; aeronautic and architecture.

Modern aeronautical fields is complex, but in the ancient times, it seems to be less. This is because some experts and theorist believed that our ancestor was helped by the ET. For example, Dr. Uwa Apel and Dr. Algund Eenboom was really convinced that Saqqara Bird is the flying machine in the era or glider in this time. A research and scientific experiment was run by the experts and the results shows that Saqqara Bird is aerodynamic, balanced, and high angle of attack. Therefore, it is certain that the bird is a flying machine in the era. The Egyptian of that era launch the bird by using catapult and the method was still used until now in the gliding sports. But, where's the Egyptian acquired this technology? It is clear that they we're helped by the aliens based on their ancient text and symbols in the walls of the Egyptian pyramids.

Another evidence that support this theory is the plane-like figure that were found in the thick canopy of Colombia. Hundreds of golden figure like insect wasn't actually an insect. In fact, the figure is more resemblance to modern jet fighters. The example of the figure is shown below.

 This two figure has been experimented by German engineer by building the replica that is five times larger than the original figure and included an engine and landing gear. The test was conducted in open fields and the result was successful. The figure can fly. It is true in science because it has triangular shape, upright tail, stabilizer, and fuselage. Author of Legendary Time Magazine, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos said that this is true and proved by science and by coincidence doesn't longer make any sense. Another example is Vimanas and the type like space craft in the Book Of Ezzekial.

The second characteristic is the architecture. Yes, it is true that our ancestor has build the magnificent buildings in all time and was called "Wonders of the World" by modern people like us. What is so wonder about the ancient architecture? Is it because of its appearance?  The answer is the construction of the buildings itself. For example is The Great Pyramid of Giza. The Egyptian and vast number of slave labor who was Children of Israel build that pyramid for over 20 years. But, why is it so fast? The answer is the construction was used the advanced tools that has been provided by the ET and the enslavement of Children of Israel until they was rescued by Prophet Moses that bring them back to the Sinai Peninsula after crossed the Red Sea, defeating the Pharaohs. The tools was a massive 35 diameter of giant saw that is used to cut off 100 tons of blocks. The moving part of that heavy blocks was used by some kind of tools that can move the block six feet away, floating. It was not floating, it was pushed in the wooden roller and consumed a lot of manpower. It is clearly stated in the old Egyptian hieroglyph.

The Children of Israel was survived for 40 years of enslavement by the brutal pharaohs with the help of a type of food, more specific algae. The food was called 'Manna' and has been stated in the Book of Exodus. The food was send by God to the Children of Israel in order to live for the time where Prophet Moses brought them across the Red Sea.

The manna was gathered and transferred into a machine that God gave them later. The machine was called "The Manna Machine". Theorist again conspired that the machine was put into the Ark of Covenant and produces radiation. This statement was clear because lots of media has told us that opening Ark of Covenant was a certain death because opening the God's property. Individual will melt literary. This is proved in science because of the effect of radiation. In conclusion, the architecture of the ancient was truly helped by ET that manifested into various characteristic.

As a conclusion, the theory lays in the documentary was clearly reveal that ET has gave a great contribution in our ancestors civilization. The advance technological advantage has gave them a great place in today's globalization. Our modern tools cannot match their advance material. Our ancestor is also like us in all characteristic, but with the help of ET, they can build a vast, modernize advance civilization and last until now. In other words, the ancient civilization was clearly build in the honor of the ET hand in their world.

*Reminder = ET can be anything, the Holy Quran has stated that the devil can manifested into anything in order to lure the Sons of Adam into darkness and straight into the pit of hell.*


  1. This is a very good post, and I enjoy reading even though there are some part I have to disagree with.

  2. your point was superb..
    long explanation.. well done man.. ^_^

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  5. a lot of information friends but i still cannot believe the exist of alien

  6. In Quran also states that Allah gives special intelligence to the Jews like what had happened to Firaun. Then, my POV is it is because of the intelligence, not alien or devil.

  7. Ustaz Kazim has explained in his speech that alien doesn't exist based on Quran and Hadith. You can search it in YouTube and let me know if you want the link.

  8. i also have heard about Ustaz kazim. he said that alien never exist in this world, it maybe perhaps only the devil incarnate to confuse the people.when you want to write something, just looks at al-Quran not other religion.

  9. too long and good explanation, but i disagree with yours! because alien don't exist in the world. it is impossible if we as a human believe that alien exist and 'they' can do anything like a human :)
    and i think you should read more about history, make research and watch this video skip to 1:10:15 ;)
